Email Contacts
Open the site and login using the User Name and Password provided by OIRA.
Pending Questions section: This is a list of questions that are awaiting responses. The questions will be sorted by Publication Name and Question number. The Question column will display the first line of the question text. The Due Date column provides the date by which we ask you to complete the question.
Clicking on the icon following each question allows the question to be answered (see Step 3).
Clicking on the icon will generate an email to OIRA with the question embedded should problems arise or clarification be needed.
A question with an icon indicates that it is overdue; clicking on the icon will allow you to answer the question.
Recently Answered Questions section. Once you have Submitted the question (see Step 3), the question will automatically move to this section.
These questions may be viewed using the icon.
Contact OIRA using the icon for that question if responses need to be changed.
Select the icon next to the question you wish to answer.
The top box contains all the question detail. Displayed are the survey Question #, any Instructions that may be provided by the survey (if applicable), and the Question text itself. Below the question text is the active space to provide a response. This is followed by additional detail about the question.
The bottom box displays the answer provided last year.
There are three actions available on this screen.
This button will save your current work and return you to the home screen. Use this button if you wish to come back to the question without losing your current work. The question will remain on the Pending Questions list.
This button will return you to the home screen without saving any changes you may have made. The question will remain on your Pending Questions list.
Use this button when the response is final and ready for publication. It will save the answer and move the question to the Recently Answered Questions section. OIRA will be automatically alerted that the question is ready for use. You will be returned to the home screen.
PLEASE NOTE: If for some reason you are unable or unwilling to provide an answer to the question, please check the box above the question box and provide us a brief explanation why. This is just for our records for future reference.
Once you have submitted all the questions on your Pending Questions list, no further action is required by you. OIRA will continuously monitor the system for completed questions. You will be contacted if there should be a question about any response. You will also be contacted should new questions be added to your list at any time. You do not need to check the system unless you are alerted by OIRA.
To exit the system, use the Logout link in the upper right corner of the screen or close the browser window.
PLEASE NOTE: Logging out, closing the browser window or a browser crash while in the Answer Question mode may result in the loss of current work on a question. Be sure to save work before leaving the system.
Please feel free to contact the administrator, Edward Kiewra, if you have any questions about this process.